Wednesday, November 17, 2010

AVON Calling!!

So, I've emailed, posted on Facebook and I thought I'd come here next just to let everyone know that I'm selling AVON. Besides the makeup and colognes that they are famous for, AVON has expanded into lines of skincare with ANEW and Clearskin products for all skin types. They also offer bath and body items as well as gift ideas for all seasons. I'm going to be trying the Clearskin Professional next week so that I can tell everyone how it works, and I have several people who either already use or are going to be trying the ANEW skin care products and I will post back here on how they work! If you are interested, email me or comment here, or go to my webpage and contact me or sign up and order from there!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

To work or not to work?

So, after watching a friend (Korinda) start a little photography work I started thinking..."Hey, what is stopping me from doing what I wanted to do back when I got pregnant with Austin?" I have business cards and flyers and everything, it has to be updated, but just minor details... Glover Event Planning...hmmm....should I or shouldn't I? Any thoughts or ideas???

Bathtime! and Other Things :)

So this morning I'm giving the kids a bath... Emma got in first and wants to stay in so I put Austin in to wash him up super fast and get him out so she can soak and play...It took ten minutes and very stern words to get her in and then I couldn't get her out... Jackson's bath was the most amusing...Before my mom left on her trip to India, he barely fit in the baby tub because he was too small, now he barely fits in the tub because he is too big...It's amazing how fast they grow!!! So we are all dressed and ready and heading out...not really sure where we are going but I'm sure it will be an adventure because it always is!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Parks and Sanity

Today we went to the park and the kids had an OK time... Although I thought it would be a lot better, they did exert some energy. They played for about two hours and decided they didn't want to be outside anymore. I'm thinking I don't make them go outside enough! So we came home, they played for a while and then Austin took his nap. Emma played Sesame Street computer games and was quiet which was almost good as being out at the park. I got to read a little, clean house and finish painting over the poop brown in the family room, now it is a pretty tan. I'm hoping to get a couple more .16 cent deals for other rooms so that they can have a little color.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Birthdays and Painting...

So, Austin is 2 now...I am so sad that he is so big, he says so many words and knows how to do so much that even just a couple of months ago were totally foreign :( He is so smart! He got many wonderful toys for his birthday but the crowning moment was a Lightening McQueen scooter and he can ride it like he was born on it...It's scary almost! We had family over this time, no friends, and had a great time! However, the house was totally trashed, so Monday I decided to do a little picking up, and one thing led to another and I decided to spruce up the house, so I started a couple of projects, painting! I painted our front door and with the help of Grampa painted the front living room wall, just enough for contrast, I totally love it...and the best part of all is that While I was shopping for the paint for the door and had to pay full price for that there was a clearance shelf at Home Depot with paints that hadn't been purchased or maybe returned for some reason and the whole can was .16 cents!!! So for 15$ I painted two things and they look marvelous! Here are the pictures of Austin's Birthday and My Painting Projects! :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Swimming, cleaning and Enjoying Life!

I've been sadly remiss in keeping up with my blog, which I knew would happen, but here we are again :) Emma has started her second session of swim lessons, more for the entertainment and for something to do than for the lessons themselves. She was in the same class last week, but didn't quite master all the things they want you to master in order to "pass the class." So we put her in the same one and she absolutely loves it...she is now one of the advanced students! Austin is making great progress in everything, it's amazing what his little mind comes up with... I mean the words he' saying and the stuff he manages to get into! It could drive a momma crazy sometimes! But we have at least made advances toward the potty and that is a good thing! Sometimes he will randomly go into the bathroom, pull up his shirt, back up to the toilet and say "Poop" grab some toilet paper, wad it up in a ball and throw it in the toilet and flush...then he has to wash his hands before he can leave the bathroom. Maybe he will be an easy potty trainer and be done before his second birthday? :-D In two weeks? LOL! Jackson is eating solid foods now, mostly he loves fruit with rice cereal mixed up, I'm not sure if it's the texture, the thickness or the flavor he likes, but it fills him up better that way too! Eddie thinks it's hilarious to watch him do it but never thinks to actually put him on the toilet when he sees! Eddie MICHT be getting a job in Sac...same company, different terminal, hopefully more pay... if so we might be moving up there!!! Yay!!! I want to move from this little town so bad! Well, I'll leave it there and be back later if anything more exciting happens! :-D

Monday, July 12, 2010

A new week.... And old chores ♥

So, This week I'm supposed to be getting back into the know the cleaning, shuttling my kids to and fro and getting dinner on the table at 5 on the dot groove... Sigh... I do not forsee this being an easy transition back into the groove. I've also got a cold..((mini pity party here)) which makes it a bit more difficult. However, I have a friend! FLYLady...have you heard of her? SO awesome! It is a motivational website, encouragement, help cleaning your house, help feeling good about yourself, advice on good dinners, advice on life kind of thing, and I've noticed each time I actually listen, things actually get done! So this week we are back to the basics of picking up, and de-cluttering. Just a little here and a little there until it's all done! With all that said...I'd better get started before the babies decide to get up and play! :-D

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A few pictures of the Buzzies

Jackson simply coudn't stay awake any longer ! :)

Emma and Austin setting off Fireworks on the 4th!
Emma holding Jackson..She is such a BIG help!

My three munchkins!

Summer Fun...For Free!!!

So we have spent the last week finding places and things to do that don't cost anything, or don't cost much. Keeping three kids occupied and happy is a job all in itself and sitting around the house all day just won't work. So I took to the internet and found a multitude of things to do that are budget friendly! For those people who have a Bass Pro shop near them, every Tuesday and Thursday from Noon to 6pm there is a "summer Camp" for families where the kids can practice casting, shooting at the arcade, and make crafts, all for free! They also have it on the weekends at a different time I think, but I think all the stores have the same schedule. We have a mini zoo near us that doesn't have very many animals, but the kids don't seem to mind much and right now they have an exhibit where they can feed the lorekeet birds, which they think is awesome and it's only 2$ for Em and nothing for the boys, 3$ for me and we take a picnic lunch! We also have a water park here at the library so we make an afternoon of it and go over to the library and then spend quite a while at the waterpark, there are several different ones near by and they are all free. Mcdonald's...I know it sounds weird, but even if you go and get a 1$ sundae and share it with the kids, they get to play, take a good book and let them run free... Several times over the last couple of weeks, we go about 11am, I get them a burger kids meal, or if they want chicken instead of a toy they get a mini meal for 2.99$, then they eat and go play, each time we have been there until about 2:30 or 3pm. They get to play with other kids and we usually see a lot of the same people so they even make friends, it is also air condidtioned... To further save money I have been leaving the air conditioner off opening up a few windows and leaving for the hottest part of the day, so I try to pick places where it is cool and then we aren't wasting money on A/C. For some reason when we are home, the kids think they HAVE to be INSIDE. So I have made a concerted effort to make them play outside for a while each day. The kiddie pool has been an awesome addition and after the sun isn't beating on the slide they love that too. I was amazed at some of the simplest things that the kids enjoy doing that take up time and not money. Since everyone seems to be in a race to save money and not spend it anymore, I thought I'd add in my tricks too!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Beginning

So, here we are, the beginning of Summer, swimming, and the great outdoors...or well indoors in the A/C for me. Everyone seems to be getting on the Blogging band wagon and I've never had any desire to do so until reading four or five today and thinking how neat it would be to document our days. Not that anyone will care, but it will be fun for me all the same! Today was a smashing success with the kids, they are now the proud owners of a kiddie pool and refuse to get out, they have even eaten their dinner out there so they can soak a bit longer. All that excitement for only 10$! Works for me! Well all for today, must dry off my prunes and serve dessert! We'll be back soon :D