Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Beginning

So, here we are, the beginning of Summer, swimming, and the great outdoors...or well indoors in the A/C for me. Everyone seems to be getting on the Blogging band wagon and I've never had any desire to do so until reading four or five today and thinking how neat it would be to document our days. Not that anyone will care, but it will be fun for me all the same! Today was a smashing success with the kids, they are now the proud owners of a kiddie pool and refuse to get out, they have even eaten their dinner out there so they can soak a bit longer. All that excitement for only 10$! Works for me! Well all for today, must dry off my prunes and serve dessert! We'll be back soon :D

1 comment:

  1. I need to make an effort to at least do once a week! Can't wait to read - miss you!
