Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Working Hard!!!

I feel very remiss in not keeping this blog at least semi-updated!!  So much seems to change so quickly and it's hard to keep up with it all!!  Emma started a new school this year and is doing so awesome!!  I was a bit worried at the beginning of the year that we might have a repeat of our horrible horrible experience last year, but so far this school year her teacher seems to be a caring, loving individual and is enjoying learning music and spanish!  Austin (now 3 holy cow!!)  is completely potty trained, no accidents, no night time problems, just simply potty trained.  He has definitely hit terrible threes, getting into everything, not listening and talking back at will, but he is cute and fun and we have good times! :)  Jack Jack is doing awesome as always!  He is quite handy and very much the baby, into much and wanting to be held a little.  While Emma is at school we have good times playing and doing stuff about town.  It all seems so simple and all, but mixed in with three kids is housekeeping, grocery shopping, and finding the best deals on everything we need as well as all the things that pop up over time!  While Eddie is at work learning new projects and working on getting better promotions, we are here trying to save all the money we can!  We have started (thanks to the Smith's :) ) Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University.  We are truly enjoying seeing why we never had any money and knowing with a little change here and there, we won't always be broke or living paycheck to paycheck.  It works for now because that is all we've ever known, but we are getting really pumped at ways to make and save money!  So with all this change, I'm hoping to come back here at least once a week to write down and share everything that has changed in the last week and all we've accomplished!!  I hope everyone has an awesome first week of September!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

3 Sick kids and Errands

Today is my errand day, or at least would have been if all three of the kids hadn't come down with the cooties! Fevers, chills and body aches to name a few, but at least no barf...I have a queasy stomach and I hate smelling, cleaning, hearing or acknowledging barf. But I did, while in between holding the sickies and feeding the ones that were hungry and rocking them to sleep yesterday, find a number of awesome coupons at Safeway and Costco for the essential stuff!! Costco has Toilet Paper, Papertowels and Laundry Detergent on sale, and Safeway has this new thing online where instead of clipping coupons you can go to their website and click on all the items you want, it adds it to your safeway card and when you go in they are on the card, no coupons to carry or lose!!! I got a free dozen eggs just for signing up! I also needed to go to the Post Office to send a couple of rings back to AVON, the girl who bought them ended up losing her job and really needed the money. I gave her her money back, even though it was spent and then come to find out I have to PAY to send it back to Avon! I was shocked that I had to pay for shipping back... I will definitely manage the money a little differently from now on, especially because there is no time limit on when someone can return AVON. Craziness, but it's my life! Good Morning Everyone!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Life and New Beginnings!

So we are getting ready to head out to Costco and I have been horrible about making sure my coupons are in order and being used, but things have been a little crazy around here! Emma is back in school after a long break and still isn't happy there, but we manage to get her there on time and by the time she comes home everything is good again! Austin and Jackson both still have colds and they seem to be fresh ones that have started new, probably from all the loves and kisses they share. Eddie's work keeps him busy and we are working together to try and lose a few pounds, him so that he will qualify for Gastric Bypass and me so I'm in better shape and feel healthier. Last week Gram had a heart attack and we are slowly getting into a routine to help her and Grampa out so she can recouperate without worrying too much, but anyone who knows Gram knows that this will not happen easily. She is a doer not a watcher so we always have to be one step ahead of her! I've also been trying to keep up with my FlyLady routines around the house and AVON, but they slip a little now and then. Sometimes I think I've tried to do too much all at the same time, but then I'm glad at the end of the day that I was busy and not bored! I'm not sure what the next project will be, but I'm thinking home projects for the house to see what I can come up with without spending money!