Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Swimming, cleaning and Enjoying Life!

I've been sadly remiss in keeping up with my blog, which I knew would happen, but here we are again :) Emma has started her second session of swim lessons, more for the entertainment and for something to do than for the lessons themselves. She was in the same class last week, but didn't quite master all the things they want you to master in order to "pass the class." So we put her in the same one and she absolutely loves it...she is now one of the advanced students! Austin is making great progress in everything, it's amazing what his little mind comes up with... I mean the words he' saying and the stuff he manages to get into! It could drive a momma crazy sometimes! But we have at least made advances toward the potty and that is a good thing! Sometimes he will randomly go into the bathroom, pull up his shirt, back up to the toilet and say "Poop" grab some toilet paper, wad it up in a ball and throw it in the toilet and flush...then he has to wash his hands before he can leave the bathroom. Maybe he will be an easy potty trainer and be done before his second birthday? :-D In two weeks? LOL! Jackson is eating solid foods now, mostly he loves fruit with rice cereal mixed up, I'm not sure if it's the texture, the thickness or the flavor he likes, but it fills him up better that way too! Eddie thinks it's hilarious to watch him do it but never thinks to actually put him on the toilet when he sees it...lol! Eddie MICHT be getting a job in Sac...same company, different terminal, hopefully more pay... if so we might be moving up there!!! Yay!!! I want to move from this little town so bad! Well, I'll leave it there and be back later if anything more exciting happens! :-D

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